Iva Nurse: This is not a joke.


Now nurse iva Eveline Jacobson from Eskilstuna is roaring again.
– I’m very upset. This is not a joke. We are not asking for help because we think it is funny, he says with an address for all who ignore the recommendations of the Swedish Public Health Agency.

Iva Eveline Jacobson’s nurse from Eskilstuna became famous after the summer talk this summer. Here we see her with pressure marks on her cheeks after protective gear. Now he roars again: “Take the advice, this is not a rocket investigation.”Image: Private Johan Bävman

This summer, Eveline Jakobson attracted a lot of attention when, in her summer talk on Swedish radio, she took the Swedes behind the scenes in a covid department. Just over a million and a half people have heard his story about the work on covid-iva at Mälar Hospital in Eskilstuna during the first months of a major pandemic.

On Thursday, Sweden surpassed 6,000 deaths from covid-19, and Sörmland, where Jakobson works, was added to the list of regions with special restrictions. The curves point upward with more infected in most of the country.

Now speak again.

– What causes us so much in the health field is that there are people who do not listen. My colleagues from all over Sweden and I say exactly the same thing. This is not rocket research, he tells TT.

– We have recommendations that we know work. Keep your distance, wash your hands often, stay away from your nose, stay home if you are sick. Recommendations are not difficult.

Now you see that the infection is increasing. But some may think, “The stacks are not that high yet.”

– But we know that everything is lagging behind. If there is a slowdown today, it will only appear in the statistics in one month.

On his Facebook account, he sees images of crowds, parties and trips abroad. She believes that people do not understand the severity of the infection.

– It makes me so mad. Not in patients, it’s never their fault. But why can’t people just take restrictions seriously? she asks herself.

– I’ve been through things I never thought I could experience. It is obvious that others have a hard time understanding it. But then it is clear that we must also react more strongly.

Eveline Jakobson says that many of her colleagues have not fully recovered from the most intense stage.

– For some, he is eager just to put on the protective gear again, I see the tears rising to his eyes, she says.

– Sometimes people talk about us who work as care heroes. But we are not the heroes. We are people who work with health. The heroes are all of you who take care of yourself, you who follow the recommendations. It is you who save lives. We are eternally grateful to you.

– There are many of you, I know that, but you are overshadowed by naive and selfish people who completely shit on others, he says.
