In Ekot’s interview on Saturday two weeks ago, National Police Deputy Chief Mats Löfving said that there are around 40 family-based criminal criminal networks in the country.
– The so-called clans. They have come to Sweden, I mean, solely for the purpose of systematically organizing crime, Löfving said.
The police chief’s statements have had a great impact on the debate over the past two weeks.
Liberal party leader Nyamko Sabuni says in an interview with DN that he prefers to speak of “family-based criminal gangs”, rather than clans.
“Important to distinguish between clans”
– It is important to distinguish between clans. I myself would say that I am from a clan society. My people are also a clan. The clan is not the problem. On the contrary, much of the world has to organize its life in the form of clans because there is no society that attends, says and continues:
– There is nothing wrong with clans. I prefer to say family-based criminal gangs. Care must be taken to view clans as negative in themselves.
Sabuni says that family-based criminal gangs are often characterized by oppression and a culture of honor in vulnerable areas. Clans will not disappear, he says.
– There will be clans also in the future and there should be, as long as it does not violate Swedish law, respect equality and does not violate children’s rights.