it increases more in different counties.


The number of confirmed corona cases continues to rise. The weekly report from the county administrative boards to the government indicates that infection is increasing in 17 of the 21 regions.

The spread of the infection in Skåne is described as “dramatic” if Södermanland claims that the number of infected has “increased significantly” and in Kalmar the number of confirmed cases increases “significantly”. The number of covid patients being cared for in hospitals is also increasing in several counties.

Here the increase is greater

In Kalmar, Kronoberg and Skåne, the number of new corona cases more than doubled between weeks 42 and 43, according to figures from the Swedish Public Health Agency.

In Kalmar, the number of new cases has increased from 37 new cases in week 42 to 102 cases in week 43. In Kronoberg, the corresponding figures are 121 and 312. In Skåne, the increased number of new cases has increased from 633 during week 42 to 1320 the following week.

“It is really important to take the numbers seriously”

Emma Frans, a doctor of medical epidemiology, emphasizes that we are testing more than we have done before, but also that the increase is concerning.

– We know that there is a delay until those infected die or need medical attention, so it is very important that we take the figures seriously. Otherwise, we will see an increase even among the seriously ill and those who die.

Increase in more counties

In other counties as well, the spread of infection is increasing, although the rise itself is not as fast as in, for example, Kalmar.

AnnaSara Carnahan, an epidemiologist at the Swedish Public Health Agency, mentions Östergötland, Sörmland and Örebro among the regions that have seen a large increase in recent times.

In Uppsala, on the other hand, which was the first to introduce local coronary restrictions, the number of cases appears to be decreasing. During week 32, 504 new cases were confirmed, the following week the corresponding figure was 347.

More tests, but also a higher proportion of infected

Many more people are being tested today than last spring, but the increase seen now cannot be explained by testing, explains AnnaSara Carnahan, an epidemiologist at the Swedish Public Health Agency.

About 160,000 tests were performed last week and 150,000 the week before, but the proportion of positive cases has also increased, from 3.9 percent to 5.6 percent over the same period.

Uppsala residents are concerned about the increase: Expressen has spoken with people on the spot in the worst affected area.

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