Of: TT
Photo: Amir Cohen / AP / TT
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu receives his injection of the corona vaccine.
Israel has launched its covid-19 vaccination program and the first to receive the injection was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
– This was a small puncture for a man, but a big step for our common health, Netanyahu declared later with a nod to the words of astronaut Neil Armstrong when he took his first steps on the moon.
The Israeli prime minister also said that he was vaccinated publicly and first of all to encourage others.
– May this be successful. Get out there and get vaccinated!
Already last week shipments of the vaccine produced by the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Biontech began arriving in Israel. And doses of Moderna and Astra Zeneca have been ordered. Israel hopes to have enough doses by the end of the year for about 20 percent of the population in any risk group to be vaccinated.
Israel, which has a population of around nine million, has so far reported 372,401 cases of corona infection. Since the pandemic began, 3,070 people in the country have died from covid-19.