Invasive pests threaten oyster farms | Aftonbladet


From: TT


A new exotic species has been discovered in the Gullmarsfjord area in Bohuslän that threatens oyster farms.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Tore Meek / NTB / TT

A new exotic species has been discovered in the Gullmarsfjord area in Bohuslän that threatens oyster farms. Stock Photography.

A new exotic species has been discovered that threatens oyster farms in the Gullmarsfjord area of ​​Bohuslän. It is the ringworm Polydora websteri, a common pest in oyster farms around the world.

“The species causes big problems for the oyster industry in other parts of the world, as the quality of oysters for the consumer deteriorates dramatically,” says Åsa Strand, researcher and marine biologist at the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL, in a statement. press.

The worm burrows into the shell of the oyster and forms clay blisters that can damage the oyster. The spread of ringworm has caused the collapse of oyster populations in Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii, among other places.

The discovery was made during the ongoing research collaboration between the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL and the local aquaculture company Bohus Seaculture. At present, it is unclear how common the species is in Swedish waters.

