Interpreters are accused of serious errors: reports are discarded when word for word


In Sweden, there are licensed and unauthorized interpreters. Authorized persons must undergo tests and are under the supervision of the State Chamber of Deputies, which can issue warnings or withdraw authorization. SVT’s review shows that it is very unusual.

– It is very serious that society does not react when there are deficiencies, says Sait Umdi, lawyer.

Serious errors are required for a withdrawal. In one case: various scams. In another: that the interpreter urged an asylum seeker not to tarnish Islam.

– There are high demands to be authorized and also high demands to get rid of the authorization. There may be shortcomings, but not so serious that it becomes relevant with a warning or recall, says Jonas Lembke, administrator of Kammarkollegiet.

An acknowledgment or documentation is usually required. Four out of five reports are canceled, often with word-for-word reference. This also occurs in cases where an official representative has made a report.

– It is more difficult when it comes word for word. Especially if you are removing someone’s professional identification. It’s a huge restriction on someone’s life, says Jonas Lembke.

According to him, the regulation does not provide for the possibility of sanctioning an interpreter solely for deficiencies in the interpretation itself. One must have violated “good interpretation practices”. Any language deficiency must be examined when the authorization is renewed every five years.

Can continue working

At the same time, a revoked authorization does not have to be a serious penalty. Anyone can work as an unauthorized interpreter and can count on assignments, something that has long been criticized.

– Innocent people can be convicted and guilty people can go free, says Margareta McKenna from the Rättstolkarna association.

Sait Umdi is also fundamental. On several occasions he has come across bad interpreters at the Swedish Immigration Board.

– It has been about languages ​​that I master myself, where I have had to enter and interrupt. Sometimes the same interpreter has returned.

The Swedish Migration Agency believes that they would prefer to have licensed interpreters, but that there are not enough. Unauthorized people are hired for simpler tasks.

– Yes, we do it because we want to use the authorized interpreters in the higher categories, said Magnus Bengtsson, owner of the process at the Swedish Migration Board. when SVT brought up the subject this year.
