One third of Stockholm’s restaurants, pubs and cafes are at risk of spreading COVID-19.
It shows new figures from the city’s environmental administration, which uses pink sticks to carry out unannounced inspections day and night.
Here are the photos of the inspectors from the fall of the crown.
Crowded restaurant settings, nightclubs where people stand drinking, and coffee chairs placed too close to each other.
These are some of the statements made by city inspectors as of September 1.
During the period, a total of 126 unannounced inspections were carried out, of which deviations were observed at 43 points of sale.
– I think it is serious that there are as many deviations as up to 35 percent. We expect you to follow these regulations, says Kristine Fornander, department head of environmental management in Stockholm.
Photo: Stockholm Environment Administration
Pipers Rörstrand.
Photo: Stockholm Environment Administration
Joe and the juice, Birgerjarlsgatan.
The inspectors bring a pink measuring stick with which they check the distance between the seats. On average, 20 inspectors work weekly with congestion supervision and work shifts to cover most of the hours of the day.
– Similar things have often been seen when there are deviations. That it has been crowded between tables and that the parties have ended too close together. There, this stick can be an evaluation tool, says Kristine Fornander.
The images show how inspectors repeatedly measure the distance between the seats and discover distances that are too short between the seats.
Photo: Stockholm Environment Administration
Kinahörnet, Farsta.
Inspectors work in pairs, but attacks can still be a challenge for city envoys. At times, both taverns and visitors have turned against inspectors and their work.
– There have been discussions in which it has become harsh and annoying. So far we have not done any police reports, but it can be a vulnerable position when you come as a couple of inspectors. There may also be views of guests who have been photographed, who have found it uncomfortable, says Kristine Fornander.
Photo: Stockholm Environmental Administration
Storstad restaurant in Vasastan.
Photo: Stockholm Environmental Administration
Ohlsson’s shoes in Vasastan.
One of the nightclubs that has received a review is the Restaurang Storstad / Ohlsson shoes in Vasastan.
In the minutes, the inspectors write that on the night of October 9, “there was congestion in the whole room”, that “there were guests everywhere” and that “the guests had to pass over other parts”.
The inspectors further claim that there were guests drinking at the bar and that people were not keeping their distance from the nightclub queue.
The day after the inspection, a decision was made to close, but since the restaurant was able to show that action had been taken, the environmental administration allowed Ohlsson’s shoes to be opened that same night.
Photo: Stockholm Environmental Administration
The Boqueria tapas restaurant in the Mood shopping center.
Photo: Stockholm Environmental Administration
The Boqueria tapas restaurant in the Mood shopping center.
Other restaurants that have received comments are:
The Boqueria tapas restaurant in the Mood shopping center where on October 10 “there was congestion in the restaurant when several different parties were less than 1 meter away”.
The Sultan restaurant cafeteria and bar in Söderort, which had to close immediately on October 2 because it was “very busy in the service”, and that “visitors danced” and that “there was a lot of crowds of children when visitors ordered drinks”, according to inspectors.
The Carmen bar in Södermalm where there was congestion on September 23 because “tables and chairs that were placed so close to each other that the distance between the different parts was less than 1 meter”.