Inpatients are encouraged to wear mouth guards.


From now on, patients in hospital care in the Stockholm region are encouraged to wear mouth guards outside of their care room, as well as in multi-patient rooms when the two-meter rule cannot be maintained for other patients. , enter the region.

Children under the age of 16 and people who for some reason cannot wear mouth guards are exempted from the recommendation, which the Health and Medical Care Administration in the Stockholm region now provides to all hospital care administrators.

High social spread

The background is that the social spread of covid-19 is still high and increasing, and the vaccination of the population has been delayed, which means a delayed effect on social infection.

– Now, the number of COVID-19 patients needing hospital care is increasing very rapidly. Since last Friday alone, we have 58 more patients with covid-19 enrolled in our hospitals. We see an increase in infection of nearly 15 percent between week 9 and week 10, says acting director of health and medical care, Johan Bratt, in a press release.

Also in Uppsala

As early as the end of January, similar recommendations were introduced in the Uppsala region. Fredrik Sund, Operations Manager in the University Hospital Infection Room, told Upsala Nya Tidning at the time that mouth protection is an addition to several other measures:

– Mouth guards reduce the spread of microorganisms. But the most important thing is still keeping your distance.

The recommendation in the Stockholm region has been developed by Smittskydd Stockholm, together with Vårdhygien Stockholm and the chief physician, and will prevail for the time being depending on the epidemiological situation.

Johanna Engman / TT
