Infection increases to spring levels in Spain


In Spain, 11,193 new cases of infection were reported on Wednesday. The last time such a high number was measured was when the country’s health authority added hundreds of lost cases in June. Excluding those cases, the statistics have not been that high since May, reports El País.

239 people were confirmed dead in Spain on Wednesday. This is the highest number measured this fall.

To reduce the spread, local closures are now being introduced in Madrid, where the infection has increased the most. More than 1,500 cases of infection were confirmed in the capital on Wednesday. In public hospitals, at the same time, 40 percent of IVA places are occupied by corona patients, according to El Mundo.

The infection increases

France is also warning about an increase in cases. During the day, 9,784 new infections were registered, the third highest number in history. Both the UK and the Czech Republic and Hungary have also seen infection curves rise this fall, writes The Guardian.

When the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, spoke today, the pandemic was more present. The president said the crisis and pressure on health have “exposed the limitations of a model that values ​​prosperity over health.”

– We must strengthen our preparedness for crises and the management of threats to health from outside the borders, he said.

WHO chief warns about Europe

In another speech, the head of the WHO also warned the leader of the Pan American health organization, Carissa Etienne, to follow in the footsteps of Europe.

– We must be clear that openings that occur too soon give the virus more space to spread and put our population at greater risk. Look no further than Europe, he said according to The Guardian.

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At least seven people have died after being infected by the coronavirus. The eruption had its start at the now infamous wedding

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