In a new report from the Västra Götaland region, the region states that the spread of the infection continues to increase in the region. In week 45, 4,069 new cases were found, an increase of 1,086 cases compared to the previous week.
– We have a great spread of infection in society and everyone should think about breaking the chains of infection and the spread of infection. You have to stop and think one more round: “What can I do to contribute? How can I avoid congestion? ”Says Thomas Wahlberg.
Halloween party alarms
The report shows dismal development across the region. At the same time, it is in the age group of 10 to 19 years where the infection increases the most. There, twice as many infected in week 45 compared to the previous week.
– That age group generally does not get particularly sick, but they are a major driver in the spread of infection. In turn, they can infect parents, who in turn infect other generations. It is important that they also follow the advice, says Thomas Wahlberg.
Infection control in the Västra Götaland region has received several alerts about infected people at Halloween parties.
In Borås, a secondary school was forced to distance learning after a crown outbreak at school, this after several Halloween parties, writes Borås Tidning. Four students have been found to be infected with COVID-19 and two more are awaiting a response.
– It is very sad. These are exactly the things we have tried to say to think and dare to give up. Unfortunately, not everyone has heard it, says Thomas Wahlberg.
Infection Control Doctor: Disappointed
The infection control doctor expresses disappointment:
– You will be disappointed with the message of being careful and thoughtful after being constantly teased. So it is very sad that you choose to meet at parties. I think they think the virus is somewhere else and it doesn’t affect them, says Thomas Wahlberg.
Thomas Wahlberg now urges everyone, but especially the young, to think.
– I don’t think anyone does this consciously, but we must remember and help each other. You have to let the little ones know that they are part of this too. They must be afraid of themselves because they can transmit the infection to others, they must somehow understand that, says Thomas Wahlberg.
The number of infected in the region, week by week.
Week 42: 706 autumn.
Week 43: 1 372 fall.
Week 44: 2 983 autumn.
Week 45: 4 069 autumn.
See more:
Stefan Löfven that alcohol sales will stop after 10 pm.