Of: TT
Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT
Sick leave has increased after the summer in the Stockholm region.
Sick leave has risen sharply after the summer among health workers in the Stockholm region, reports P4 Stockholm. Karolinska University Hospital, Sankt Göran Hospital, Södersjukhuset and Södertälje Hospital now have lower sick leave compared to the same period last year. Both short-term and long-term sick leave are increasing.
In September, 800 employees were on long-term sick leave, the corresponding figure for the same period last year was 430. Among auxiliary nurses and nurses, sick leave is the fastest growing.
– Until now, we do not know exactly why, but one possible reason is the huge workload in the care of covid during the spring, Karolinska’s director of human resources, Patricia Enocson, tells the channel.
PODD Teacher: That’s why corona death rates are lower now.
Aftonbladet Daily with Jonas F Ludvigsson, professor at the Karolinska Institutet and pediatrician at Örebro University Hospital.
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