The issue of labor law and employment protection law, read, already tilted to become the most loaded during the debate of the party leader on the SVT Agenda.
When the Prime Minister was asked for a response on whether he would implement the proposed legislation in the inquiry, he replied that responses from the inquiry to the inquiry and the social partners should be awaited.
– My message is this, that the parties continue negotiating. Employers will have greater flexibility, employees will have greater security, said Stefan Löfven.
The Center Party and the Liberals have an agreement with the governing parties, the Social Democrats and the Green Party, which should be changed. The Left Party is the biggest opponent of this and wants the investigation into the legislative changes that have taken place to be ruled out. Sjöstedt has threatened a vote of no confidence against Stefan Löfven. Moderates, Christian Democrats, and Swedish Democrats have said they are willing to support one, which means a government crisis may be imminent.
Stefan Löfven believes that the investigation of the latest modifications is not balanced, in terms of safety for workers and flexibility for employers. The new law, when it comes into force, must be balanced, he said. Stefan Löfven wants to wait to say what that balance will look like until the consultation responses arrive.
– I want, and Jonas Sjöstedt should also want, to hear the responses of the 57 instances to which the investigation is now being referred. We cannot send an inquiry for consultation and not hear the answers, said Stefan Löfven.
Few were satisfied with Stefan Löfven’s response.
– I think Stefan Löfven is dishonest. It is Stefan Löfven who wants to promote something that will break the labor law and the Swedish model. I think it is a dishonest argument. I think it is sad to see an old metallurgist who cannot take his side, said Jonas Sjöstedt.
– We assume that the proposal will be implemented. Tell Stefan Löfven the workers now that they can trust you to come forward with this proposal, which means we will lower the thresholds in the labor market, said Nyamko Sabuni of the Liberals.
Also Jonas Sjöstedt held down notice, and then waited to give a clear answer to the question.
– We are ready to cast a vote of no confidence if that is what is required. We are ready to overthrow this government. I want to know if there is a majority to quit and I think Jonas Sjöstedt’s patience should end, said Ebba Bush (KD).
– The investigation must be withdrawn and we want to give we want to give the government the opportunity to do things, Jonas Sjöstedt replied, which in turn provoked reactions.
The leader of the Swedish Democrats party, Jimmie Åkesson (SD), said that this is Jonas Sjöstedt, he is “hairy” (something that Sjöstedt previously accused the Prime Minister of being), as he does not give an answer if they want awaken mistrust.
– We have different objectives. Your objective is to overthrow the government. My goal is for Löfven to save himself and the Swedish party model, Sjöstedt replied.
Ulf Kristersson (M) called the whole thing a political game.
– I hope the parties resolve this for the government, they cannot trust. Does the Left Party dare to lower the Social Democrats? I believe it when I see it, said the moderate leader.