Huawei appeals decision of PTS – DN.SE


A couple of weeks ago, PTS prevented Huawei and also the Chinese ZTE from participating in the auction that starts next week.

Not only that, PTS also decided that companies that eventually build 5G networks in Sweden may not have any equipment from Chinese companies. If you already have components from Huawei and ZTE, they will have a deadline before these components need to be replaced by others.

It was a real cold shower for Huawei, which has supplied equipment to several of the companies that will participate in the auction.

PTS’s decision it was the result of strong security warnings from the Armed Forces and Säpo. Similar decisions have been made in various parts of the world because authorities fear that Chinese company networks could be used for espionage on behalf of China.

PTS’s opinion is that the decision cannot be appealed, but Huawei does it anyway.

– The legal details will appear once our appeal has been submitted to the administrative court. But we have made our interpretation with the help of our advisers and lawyers and they think we have something good, says Fredriksen.

How do you justify your appeal?

– It is that we want to safeguard the interests of our clients and Sweden as the interests of a digital nation and not least our own interest as a company, says Fredriksen

– We believe that the decision was made on an incorrect basis. Accusations have been made and they were rushed, he adds.

Fredriksen further believes that he and the industry have gone astray and that in the process they had received “completely different signals” than the message that came from PTS.

Petter Öhrn, Press Officer at PTS tells DN that the authority’s opinion remains that Huawei cannot appeal the decision to prevent the company from participating in the auction.

– It was a decision under consideration. What we think can be appealed are the actual permit notices that are given after the auction, he says.

– But now it is the court that decides, adds Öhrn.

PTS has referred Huawei’s appeal to the Stockholm Administrative Court, which is the largest administrative court in the country.
