This is stated by the Swedish Post and Telecommunications Agency, which is responsible for 5g auctions in a Press release Today.
The approved operators are Hi3G Access (Tre), Net4Mobility (Tele2 and Telenor), Telia Sweden and Teracom.
And now it is clear that PTS establishes requirements for which providers are used in the networks. “In order to take over the assessments of the Armed Forces and the Security Police, PTS has formulated permit conditions that aim to protect the security of Sweden,” PTS writes.
These terms include:
The new installation and the new implementation of central functions for radio use in the frequency bands will not be possible with products from the suppliers Huawei and ZTE.
If the existing infrastructure for core functions will be used for the provision of services in the relevant frequency bands, a phase-out of Huawei and ZTE products must be completed by January 1, 2025.
Being replaced by people in Sweden
In addition, PTS writes that if core functions are dependent on staff or functions located abroad, such dependencies will be phased out and, if necessary, replaced with functions or staff located in Sweden. Must be completed by January 1.
The core functions refer to PTS radio access networks (antennas and base stations), transmission networks (transport of traffic between access networks and core networks), core networks (with functions for production of services, customer data and billing, among others) and operation and maintenance networks for monitoring and control.
Auctions begin on November 10.
– I am very happy to have received four approved bidders at the auctions, says Dan Sjöblom, CEO of PTS. This ensures good competition, rapid expansion and good service development. The fact that 5g networks are built in a way that protects Sweden’s security is also crucial for the continued digitization of society. Our close cooperation with the Armed Forces and the Security Police prior to examination of applicants and permit conditions is aimed at ensuring this.
Read more: This is how operators charge for this fall’s 5g auction: “We will replace our entire network”
Read more: First with 5g: heavy industry takes the lead