“How many have to die to play soccer?”


Some clubs have opened their training camps, and Premier League managers hope to start the league in June. So Gary Neville fits the question: How many have to die to play football in the Premier League?

Gary Neville, back at Manchester United between 1992–2011, a national team player and now a television expert, raises his voice when the Premier League begins planning to resume in June.

The 45-year-old believes that there are significant risks in taking the league game prematurely, and appears to be in line with Michel D’Hooghe, chairman of the FIFA medical committee, that football should not be played before September. .

“If it wasn’t an economic decision, it wouldn’t be soccer for months,” he says.

– How many have to die to play football in the Premier League? TO? A player? An employee who ends up in intensive care? What risk should we take? The discussion is purely economic.

Neville is concerned about players who have some medical concerns.

– If health comes first, there is only one way out in these times. How many gamblers have asthma, how many gamblers have diabetes? Are all these people in the calculation and are you still willing to expose them to risks?

On March 12, the Premier League clubs closed their training facilities. In early May, the plan is for the players to return to normal training and the Premier League plans to resume the season in early June.

League play will most likely resume without spectators. The 20 clubs will discuss the future issue again at a meeting on Friday.
