High winds warning on the Öresund bridge


Of: TT


Strong winds blow in southern Sweden and it is recommended that wind sensitive vehicles stay away from the Öresund Bridge.

– On the west coast and the south coast, storm surges can get closer, even if the winds aren’t really that strong, says Jon Jörpeland, a meteorologist at SMHI.

Wind gusts in the Sound mean that the Swedish Transport Administration has issued a warning for wind-sensitive vehicles. They are advised not to cross the Öresund Bridge for the whole of Sunday.

SMHI warns of gales in the Sound and most of the Baltic Sea, up to the Gulf of Bothnia.

– It will inflate more and more this morning and in the morning and will continue until tonight. And it’s right on the shores where it will blow the most, says Jon Jörpeland.

On the west coast in particular, the winds are accompanied by precipitation: during the morning rain, but later in the day there can also be elements of wet snow. Then the temperature also drops to minus degrees.

Ice slip warning

But residents of the West Coast are not alone – most people looking out the window during the day will notice rain or snow in the air. Eastern Sweden has the highest probability of residence time.

– The rain will decrease during the morning and there will be a break in the afternoon and the temperature will rise during the day. In the Stockholm area, you can count on three or four degrees.

SMHI also warns of sudden slips along the Norrland coast and in western Svealand. In Värmland and Örebro counties, this is especially true this morning.

The Norrland coast receives softer air from the Baltic Sea and there the snowfall during the day will increasingly turn into rain towards a negative grade road, which means there is a risk of ice.

Not much of a chance for sunshine

TT: Is there any part of the country that can expect some sunshine?

– Perhaps the landscape of the Baltic Sea. From Blekinge to Uppland there will be at least a little break during the day and you could at least have a loose cloud cover.

And those hoping for better weather during the week will likely be disappointed.

– They are not exactly sunny days that we have ahead. We have entered a period with a lot of precipitation that looks like it will remain next week, says Jon Jörpeland.

