The popular series of assassins finally takes place in Scandinavia. This is what the Viking game “Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla” looks like.
Last night, Ubisoft revealed that the next part of the “Assassin’s Creed” series is inspired by Norse mythology and history.
During an eight-hour live broadcast, the cartoonist sat down Encoded “Bosslogic” Abdo and drew an image, which finally showed the “Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla” logo. concept photo the Viking era with ships, shields, beards (!) and, of course, a really bold ax
Now we have a bit more insight into what awaits us. In a new steaming trailer, the barbarians talk about attacking foreign countries and killing everything in their path. Environments change from bloody battlefields to picturesque Scandinavian plains and some face-painting crazies yell “Odin is with us!” It can not be better
The game’s creative director, Ashraf Ismail, tells him that he can choose between playing as a man or a woman. The main character is Eivor and is a Viking to the end, indoctrinated by various fairy tale fights. The adventure itself takes place during the 8th century and is based on Eivor taking his clan to England, where they face strong resistance.
Rumors of a Viking company have been circulating for quite some time. As early as May of last year, images of what was then called “Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok” were leaked.
“Valhalla” will be released later this fall for PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4, as well as for the new Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X.
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