Health crisis agreements are activated | Aftonbladet


Of: Amanda hallsten


Three regions wanted a crisis agreement: Stockholm, Gävleborg and Västra Götaland.

Now they have succeeded.

During Christmas, the working hours of working personnel are extended and wages are increased.

– Due to the tense situation in intensive care at the county hospital, the regional board has requested that the crisis agreement be activated for intensive care operations in the Stockholm region, the region writes in a press release.

Both the spread of the infection and the need for medical care remain high, at the same time that the sickness absence of employees from emergency hospitals in the Stockholm region is higher than normal, depending on the region.

The municipalities and regions of Sweden (SKR) and Sobona have now decided to activate the crisis agreement in the Stockholm region, the Västra Götaland region and the Gävleborg region. The reason is a decisive impact on staffing, writes SKR in a press release.

– All three regions have done everything that is reasonably necessary to ensure staffing and have exhausted all possibilities under the ordinary collective agreement. Therefore, we choose, according to the request of the regions, to activate the crisis situation agreement in these three regions, says Joakim Larsson, chairman of the negotiating delegation at SKR and on the Sobona association board.

Iva's ward at the Östra Hospital, Västra Götaland region.

Photograph: Björn Larsson Rosvall / TT

Iva’s ward at the Östra Hospital, Västra Götaland region.

A total of 3 out of 21 regions

In the press release, SKR writes that the three regions that can activate the agreement have a wide spread of the infection and a greater number of patients in need of hospital care. In Västra Götaland, healthcare is also so strained that it is seen as a serious disruption to society. In the Stockholm region, sick leave among emergency hospital employees is higher than normal, according to SKR.

Last resource

Jeanette Hedberg, Deputy Chief Negotiator for Swedish Municipalities and Regions (SKR) describes the situation both in the regions and in the municipalities as very tense. The burden is very high, many are sick and the staff works as hard as possible, he tells TT.

– Both municipalities and regions have crisis plans with a ladder of measures. The last resort is the crisis agreement. It is the employers who must request that the agreement be activated and SKR who makes the decision, says Jeanette Hedberg.

It may be relevant to activate more agreements of this type for both health care and care for the elderly if the situation worsens.

– We are prepared to make decisions about it 24 hours a day, says Jeanette Hedberg.

Photo: Anders Wiklund / TT

The intensive care unit of Karolinska Hospital in Solna, Stockholm Region.

Worse than last spring

Tobias Baudin, president of Kommunal, which organizes, among other things, auxiliary nurses and care assistants, believes that care workers should have paid a lot because now they are working very hard. But he is concerned about the crisis agreement. It will be extremely difficult for an already worn caregiver, he tells TT.

– Then parts of the law are violated. I have spoken with members who worked this spring, it was extremely difficult.

Many have not been able to take vacations during the summer and were looking forward to the Christmas holidays. Now there will be none of that for many either. Describe the situation now as worse than last spring.

– I’m very worried about sick leave in the future, says Tobias Baudin.


