The arrested person shared a post about the search for the 18-year-old missing person. Shortly after, he himself was arrested on suspicion of murder. Then he was inundated with hatred and threats on social media. Now the municipal police ask for calm.

It was when the family was still hoping that everything would turn out well that on social networks they urged the public to share the photo and name of the missing 18-year-old woman.
When other sites learned of the man’s identity, the gaze turned to his open profile, and the post with the murdered woman’s photo received more than 600 comments.
Many express horror at the act and lament the pain of the relatives. Others seem to have already condemned the suspect and to express in harsh words what they believe he deserves as punishment.
The police do not want to comment on the threat against the detainee and his family. But Höör’s municipal police, Johan Permerup, urges calm.
– You have to let the authorities keep working and handle the pain in a constructive way. We want to find out what happened and bring the perpetrators to justice. That is always our goal, he says.
Police spokesman Ewa-Gun Westford does not want to comment on whether the police see any threats against the suspect or his family members.
– If there is a threat against people, we never go out with the public. It is run by a group within the police, he says.