Employers seem to be less satisfied with the agreement, so why?
Among their members, they have everything from languishing industries to industries that have been hit hard, it can be difficult for them. But employers have gotten a long deal as they wanted and are avoiding wage increases in the seven months that have passed since the previous one expired this spring. It is also stated that “viewed over a longer period, the industry has long-term conditions to develop competitiveness.” The last 12 of the 29 months are cancellable, an emergency solution if the situation changes “significantly”.
How to analyze the effects of the pandemic in the agreement?
They have been heavy on the argument of the employers; that the pandemic exacerbates the decline in competitiveness. Unions have claimed that much of the industry is doing better and better.
How have the unions reasoned about waiving the retroactive wage demand?
It has been more important to achieve a higher salary level, to ensure continuous increases in real wages, to achieve a low-wage investment and continuous pension provisions. The salary increases are in line with the previous three-year agreement.
What does this mean for salary negotiations in other industries?
It is the industry that sets the mark, which is the norm for the rest of the job market. It will be interesting to see what happens in the Kommunal negotiations. The largest LO union demanded more than the other unions. Its president, Tobias Baudin, has said that they have the support of the people for their demands and are ready to strike for them.