Of: TT
Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT
Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren (S). Stock Photography.
The Minister of Social Affairs, Lena Hallengren (S), is very critical after receiving information about how patients have been included in the care centers of the Krys care company in Stockholm.
In an interview with DN, Hallengren says “there’s a lot to suggest” that the reinstatements haven’t been done the right way, but Kry tells TT that the company is following the rules.
Healthcare company Kry has offered Stockholm residents using the Krys app to register at the company’s newly opened healthcare centers. Many patients were unaware that this meant they lost the listing at their old health center, reports Dagens Nyheter.
Hallengren tells the newspaper that he “got mad” when he read the stories and that it is outrageous that patients have lost their regular doctor.
– Make sure that the rules regarding the establishment, listing, change of doctor and care provider are very clear. As a patient, you shouldn’t be surprised. The listings need to be done the right way and I think there are many indications that this has not happened in this case, he tells DN.
S voted in favor
The Stockholm region contracts committee approved Krys’s request in May to open health centers in Stockholm. The Social Democrats were among the parties that voted.
– Ensure that the entire country has the opportunity for both physical and digital attention, that is an opinion that we have and that I hope we widely agree. But the regulations around this, I don’t think the responsibility can be attributed to anyone other than the moderate government in Stockholm, says Hallengren.
“Follow the rules”
Claes Nyberg, Kry’s Acting Press Manager, comments on Hallengren’s statement that the company follows the rules that exist.
– Kry has followed the rules and guidelines that we have received from the Stockholm Region. We have a permanent dialogue with salaried employees, who have participated in all our flows and our information in advance and have been able to comment on them, Nyberg tells TT.
No changes are planned
TT: Have people been included in the application without knowing it?
– It is very difficult to answer how someone has perceived it. But when you sign up, you get information beforehand, identify yourself with a mobile bank ID, and receive information in the app and via email that you’ve signed up and what it means, Nyberg says.
– Then it is unfortunate that someone did not perceive it.
Kry does not plan to make changes to the listing feature in the app.
– Ask if we will make concrete changes based on the debate in recent days. So I say no, that is not how we work. We make continuous changes based on the actual response we receive from our patients and on dialogue with regions and officials, Nyberg says.