Greta Thunberg Strikes Back at Donald Trump on Twitter


A hard copy of Dagens Nyheter, 2020-11-06 04:29

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Greta Thunberg.

Greta Thunberg.

Photo: Anders Hellberg

Climate activist Greta Thunberg responds to President Trump, nearly a year after his tweet that he should address his aggression issues.

“So ridiculous. Donald has to work to control his anger,” he writes on Twitter.

USA-valet 2020

When Thunberg was named Person of the Year by Time magazine in December 2019, President Trump mocked her and wrote on Twitter that she should work on her aggression issues:

“So ridiculous. Greta should work through her anger management issues, then go see a decent old movie with a friend. Scream, Greta, scream!” He wrote. grebhare-%3&http-edge-grease-share-%3&httba-job-greed-share-3% -sina-aggressionsproblem% 2F

Now the climate activist is leaving fight back during the US elections and respond with the same coin.

On Thursday, Trump posted a tweet demanding that the vote counting be stopped.

Later that day, Thunberg wrote in a tweet:

“So ridiculous. Donald has to work to control his anger and then go see an old-fashioned movie with a friend. Shout Donald, shout!”

Read more:

Trump on Greta: should work on her aggression issues

Greta Thunberg urges everyone to vote for Joe Biden in US elections

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Greta Thunberg Strikes Back at Trump: “He must work with his anger”

Greta Thunberg.
