Great confidence in Anders Tegnell in the Public Health Authority


The Swedish strategy against the center of the crown has a face and that is Anders Tegnells. Almost daily for a couple of months, he has been broadcasting live from the Public Health Authority press meetings and trying to explain how Sweden should respond to the pandemic. The number of fatalities increased when he repeated the directives: avoid meeting people if you are over 70, work from home if you can, wash your hands carefully.

Foreign media have been surprised by the lack of harsh coercive measures. At home, well-known researchers have described Anders Tegnell and his colleagues as “talented officials.” It has also had to admit to some errors in the authorities’ reports.

With the Swedish public however, the state epidemiologist is highly trusted. The proportion that relies on its capacity amounts to 69 percent in the April DN / Ipso survey. He was only suspicious by 11 percent. These are confidence figures that should make both the Prime Minister and other party leaders green with envy. According to Nicklas Källebring, opinion analyst at Ipsos, confidence in Anders Tegnell is highest in the group he has most targeted, the elderly.

Confidence in the authorities’ ability to cope with the crown crisis has generally increased from March to April. In the April poll, DN / Ipsos also asked questions about individual authorities. As expected, the Public Health Agency has confidence figures at the same level as leader Tegnell.

Trust is a little less for the National Board of Health and Welfare (45 percent) and the Swedish Agency for Social Protection and Contingency (51). In both cases, however, the proportion that has confidence is significantly higher than the one that does not.

Public confidence in healthcare has been strengthened in the past month, as measured by DN / Ipsos. However, regions responsible for medical care receive significantly lower figures than medical care. It may be that regional leaders, not least politicians, have been criticized for being ill-prepared for a pandemic. Preparation for, for example, protective equipment has been found to be poor.

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Confidence in healthcare is strengthened during the crown crisis

Uprising for Social Democrats in opinion during the crown crisis
