Government proposals provide a valve for unaccompanied minors


Despite setbacks in the Riksdag on helping unaccompanied minors, the government has come up with a new proposal that may increase their chances of staying in Sweden. Support for it is unclear: the moderates see it as the government wants to slip away through an amnesty.

Annika Hirvonen Falk (MP) says the government fills in the gaps and unreasonableness in the Migration Committee report through additional proposals for a new humanitarian protection base. Stock Photography.Image: Ali Lorestani / TT

The proposal for a new humanitarian protection base for adults with particularly painful circumstances was included in a memorandum the government sent for consultation late Friday afternoon. It contains additions to the report of the Migration Commission, which was sent for comment two months ago.

– If you read the comment on the bill, it is clear that you are targeting those who have an establishment in Sweden through, for example, studies and I see a very high risk that in practice it means a general amnesty for minors not accompanied, says the spokeswoman for migration policy of the moderates, María. Malmer Stenergard on what applies to adults.

She describes the scope of the protection base as “incredibly much broader than the one S endorsed in the migration committee this summer.”

The additions to the memorandum were conditions set by the Green Party to allow the government partner, the Social Democrats, to submit the report of the migration committee for consultation. While S supported the report in its entirety, the MP only said yes to some of the many proposals. It is one hundred percent S-political, the spokeswoman for the parliamentarian on the subject, Annika Hirvonen, said then.

Now she is more satisfied, after the additions.

-These are issues that the MP has promoted, he says.

It describes the proposals as necessary to close gaps and correct the irrationality in the report of the Migration Commission. They were already announced in October, but they didn’t ship until Friday.

What seems more controversial is whether a new humanitarian protection base is proposed for adults, as if they have painful special circumstances (less serious than exceptional), in order to obtain a permanent residence permit. This applies to people who have had a temporary permit and who have been linked to Sweden, for example through studies, and who have been here for a long time. The need for protection is not a requirement. This can also apply to people who have acquired a connection while waiting for a temporary residence permit.

When asked if the proposal is aimed at unaccompanied minors, Annika Hirvonen says that at least some of them may be covered if the proposal becomes a reality. But it also depends on how the courts interpret it. It is scheduled to come into force in July, when temporary asylum legislation will be replaced on the basis of proposals and supplements from the Migration Committee.

Currently, around 7,500 unaccompanied minors are covered by the Upper Secondary Education Act. Only about fifty of them had, earlier this fall, managed to qualify for a permanent residence permit.

– Many of them are not only connected, they have become part of families, they have learned Swedish, some have graduated, others have been educated. They are part of our society, says Annika Hirvonen.

Just days before the supplement proposals were unveiled last week, it became clear that the government does not support proposals to relax labor requirements for unaccompanied minors who wish to stay. The Center later announced that it did not support the proposals, which meant that the government received a majority against and a clear call not to proceed with an amendment to a regulation.

But the Green Party still hopes there will be support for the supplements on the basis of protection.

Annika Hirvonen refers to a change of line she had with C’s immigration policy spokesperson, Jonny Cato, in the debate on the upper secondary education law. Cato said the patches and repairs on the high school equipment were finished.

– But he also spoke that he and the Center Party want to see a broad and humanitarian base for protection. You can really interpret that as wanting to see something like this, I hope so, says Annika Hirvonen.

TT has requested a comment from the Center Party, but the party does not want to comment now on whether it supports what is in the government memorandum.


Supplements to the proposal of the Migration Commission

Possibility of a residence permit for a foreigner who intends to marry or enter into a cohabitation relationship with a person who has received a temporary residence permit. A prerequisite is that the relationship has already been established in the home country. According to the government, LGBTQ refugees may be included.

Adjusted time to calculate the three-month deadline for exemptions from the maintenance requirement for relative immigration for quota refugees.

Proposal to soften the Migration Committee’s proposal for a residence permit due to particularly painful circumstances, especially painful for children and certain adults. The circumstances may be that there has been a connection to Sweden, studies or a long time with temporary residence permits.

The proposals are in consultation until January 10.

They are expected to be submitted on July 20, 2021, along with proposals based on the report from the Migration Commission. Then the temporary asylum and immigration law that Sweden had after the 2015 refugee crisis will be replaced.

Source: Government Offices
