– We are facing a situation that runs the risk of turning completely black, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.
According to Stefan Löfven, the spread of the infection is now increasing rapidly and the number of sick and dead can increase significantly if the infection is not stopped.
– We risk having the situation we had last spring, continues Löfven.
Therefore, the government has decided to prohibit the sale and service of alcohol from 10 pm on November 20 until February next year. The ban applies to all businesses with service permits, such as bars, restaurants and pubs.
The ban also means that all businesses serving alcohol will be forced to close no later than 10.30pm.
“Alcohol can lead to poor judgment”
According to the Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren, bars, restaurants and other bars are particularly vulnerable environments when it comes to the spread of infection.
– Alcohol can lead to worse judgment and one neglecting to keep one’s distance, he says, adding that he assumes that everyone takes responsibility and follows infection control recommendations in the respective counties of the country.
He also claims that the government does not hesitate to introduce new restrictions if necessary.
– We intend to use all the tools that the law gives us, he says.
The article is up to date.