Government: close all state and regional sports halls


Today, the government, with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, announced new advice, recommendations and rules, due to the corona pandemic.

One of the announcements is that all unnecessary activities by the state and regions will be closed until January 24. This includes swimming pools and sports halls.

Still open to the elite

However, this does not apply to elite athletes.

– It is the case that elite sports, that is, professional activities, are something else and follow a different set of rules. To be continued, said the Prime Minister.

“It may also be outside …”

However, it is now becoming much more difficult for children, youth and amateur athletes.

– But you can also be outside. But when it comes to sports halls and all other activities that are not necessary, they should be closed, said Stefan Löfven.

“The gym is particularly troublesome”

According to the director general of the Swedish Public Health Agency, Johan Carlson, it is not relevant to recommend the closure of the gym. However, they must make sure to avoid congestion.

– If you are in a gym where there are only two people, of course there is no problem. But the gym is particularly troublesome from an infection control standpoint. It should be longer among people in the gym than in a store, for example, says Johan Carlson.

“It is unfortunate”

Björn Eriksson from the Swedish Sports Confederation tells SVT Sport that he trusts politicians and the Public Health Agency’s assessment that stricter rules are necessary, but regrets it:

– It is clear that it is unfortunate, he says, and develops:

– The great risk is that you lose connection with the movement. And that means that the risk is that we will lose generations. It all depends on the length of this period, but my persistent concern is that with the movement it becomes less important to this generation.

The closure does not apply to, for example, chains of private gyms and paddle tennis rooms. When Björn Eriksson is asked if he thinks they should follow him after all, he replies:

– It is an interpretation that they themselves must make, but I suppose that the bacillus does not take much into account if it infiltrates private or public activities.
