Gothenburgers deserve better Stockholm coverage


Västlänken is one of the most debated topics in Gothenburg in recent years and one that has also had a great impact on the daily lives of many of the city’s inhabitants. But despite the fact that the problem had a great impact at the local level, the decisive decision on the construction was not made in Gothenburg, but in the Riksdag as early as 2010.

And this is just one of many examples.

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That is why we are starting a Stockholm editorial office that will monitor what is happening in the capital on behalf of the western Swedes. Of course, we’ve covered these types of issues before, but then by remote monitoring or sending reporters to do specific jobs. But during the spring of the crown, the importance of being in the place became clearer. When our reporters were present during the Public Health Agency press conferences, it was easier to get individual interviews with, for example, Anders Tegnell or Johan Carlson to ask questions with a West Swedish perspective. Thanks to our new investment, we will be able to do so much more often in the future and in many other subject areas besides the pandemic.

Since 2017, Göteborgs-Posten has consistently invested in journalism and hired over 30 new journalists, and it is truly gratifying that we are now able to expand our editorial staff again. What makes this investment possible is that we have received many new subscribers last year and that your readers are consuming more and more news from Göteborgs-Posten. So far this year, we have had 46 percent more reading on than in the same period last year. This is a trend that has been going on for a year and what currently makes us a little more happy is that we, as the only newspaper, continue to rise after the spring of the intensive news crown. DN, SvD and Sydsvenskan have lost 2-8 percent of their readership, while GP over the summer has increased by 4 percent.

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In addition to doing local journalism, one of the most important contributions of Göteborgs-Posten to democracy is that we can also add perspectives other than those defended by many national and Stockholm media. Part of that mission means that we must be a voice for Gothenburg, raising issues that are important to those of us who live here.

An example of this problem is that of clan-like structures and the power that these constellations can wield in your local community. As early as 2017, GP conducted a survey of the Ali Khan family network, then we were able to talk about a concern about how parallel partnerships were forming and report on how the police spoke about the pressure exerted on police officers who intervened against the net. Only now has the issue really taken off in the national debate and has become a nationwide issue. Here we can ask ourselves self-critically why the issue was not raised before at the national level. Perhaps it would have if we had been tougher on legislators and other decision makers in demanding accountability at the national level? When such questions arise in the future, we can, with the help of our Stockholm editorial team, wake up those in power faster and more easily and provide your readers with even better West Swedish journalism, from Stockholm. .

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