Gothenburg’s municipal board met on Wednesday morning and decided to entrust the administration, in dialogue with the infection control of the Västra Götaland region, as it is called, “to allow the interruption of visits to nursing homes in Gothenburg “.

Elisabet Lann is KD City Councilor in Gothenburg.
Photo: Lars Näslund
– In a purely legal sense, it is not possible to introduce a restraining order, since the laws are written. Therefore, this is not easy to formulate. That is why we speak of a visiting stop. We cannot issue a fine if it is violated, but the municipality directive is clear: we cannot receive visits from relatives now, as the infection develops, Elisabet Lann tells DN.
In the report that the municipal management received on the contagion situation, on Tuesday twelve people were infected in nursing homes, which is one less than a week ago. The twelve were distributed in eight different accommodations, two more compared to last week.
Among recipients of home care the number of infected increased from eight to twelve this week, and in all types of municipal housing, 45 infected were found among the beneficiaries of care, compared to 38 a week ago.
What was called a restraining order was introduced into the nation’s nursing homes in the spring, but was lifted on October 1.
Before the new directive is applied to nursing homes, some details need to be reviewed.
– We need to see how we should formulate rules for exceptions, for example, for family members of people in the final stages of life.
Elisabet Lann says that staff at several nursing homes have called for visits to be stopped.
– While the opportunity to visit was expected when you arrived, it has not been without problems. Some, for example, did not want to wear a visor even though it was necessary.
According to information from DN, the Stockholm City Council will also make a decision this afternoon on a total stop to visit all the nursing homes in the city.
Gothenburg City Council Chairman Axel Josefson (M) says “there is a serious development” of the infection in general. Therefore, a weekly progress report has been reintroduced at the political level.
The municipal council responsible for the school Helene Odenjung (left) says it is a great tension within the preschool, both in regards to staff who need to stay home and in discussions with parents about whether or not children are too brainy.
– We know this is difficult. But I still think that we have a good dialogue now, and now the children are often left outside instead of inside a narrow hallway.
Compared to the normal need for substitutes in Gothenburg schools of 300 per day, the need is now 600-650, according to information provided to the municipal board.