Göran Hansson saw Sweden’s strategy


Göran Hansson, permanent secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and professor of experimental cardiovascular research at the Karolinska Institutet, saw Sweden’s crown strategy during the press conference of the Swedish Academy of Sciences with this year’s Nobel laureates.

Vetenskapsradion states this during question time at the Public Health Agency press conference on Thursday. Hansson’s statements must have taken place when he did not know that the media was already connected.

According to Vetenskapsradion, Göran Hansson said that the development of the pandemic in Sweden has been “catastrophic” and, despite the WHO recommended oral protection, the Swedish Public Health Agency and Donald Trump do not seem to believe it.

The response of the Swedish Public Health Agency

The Vetenskapsradion reporter asks the Swedish Public Health Agency what they think about someone from another expert body making such statements at an international press conference.

– I have no comment on that as such. Oral protection is an important tool in health care, to protect staff, but also to protect patients, says Karin Tegmark Wisell, head of department at the Swedish Public Health Agency.

– We have a continuous dialogue with the regions on the subject, we see oral protection as an incredibly important part of the infection control work in the country. But as for a general recommendation in society, we do not see a role in the current situation.

Indicates that he stands up for what he said

Vetenskapsradion states that they have been in contact with Göran Hansson, who says he stands up for what he has said and that we should take the high death toll in Sweden seriously. He also believes that we should review how the Swedish recommendations can be improved in accordance with the recommendations of the WHO and other countries.

The Swedish Public Health Agency is also asked what role the vision of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on oral protection plays.

– KVA’s opinion does not matter much, but we take into account everything that is written. There are many studies looking at the effect of mouthguard leakage, but the real effect in the epidemiological context, where there is no evidence, responds Karin Tegmark Wisell.

The answer: private conversation

Expressen has contacted Göran Hansson, who refers to a post on his blog, where he clarifies that the comments took place during a private conversation, and only reflects his personal opinions. The statement should not be viewed as a position by KVA, according to Hansson.

“We found that the situation in Sweden is very serious, although not as bad as in the United States. I said there is reason to reconsider the Swedish line in light of the high mortality rates and mentioned, among other things, that Sweden is one of the few countries that does not follow the WHO recommendations regarding the use of mouth guards. “writes Göran Hansson on the blog.

The National Union of Teachers demands that the government give teachers priority to the covid-19 vaccine when vaccination begins in Sweden, as they believe that teachers are a particularly vulnerable group who cannot work from home.
Weigh the risk of becoming infected with corona versus the risk of taking a vaccine, says Farshid Jalalvand.