The trial against Golden Dawn has been ongoing since 2015. The investigation began after the murder of anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas, who was stabbed to death by a party supporter in 2013.
The same investigation has concluded that various party members in Golden Dawn have committed crimes and a total of more than 50 people with ties to the party have been convicted.
Several peaks are sentenced to 13 years in prison
On Wednesday, the verdict fell against the leader, Nikos Mihaloliakos. The sentence was 13 years in prison for running a criminal organization pretending to be a political party.
Five people from Mihaloliako’s inner circle are sentenced to equal sentences. His wife, and other former members of parliament, were also sentenced to between five and 10 years in prison, TT reports. All have denied wrongdoing.
Pavlos Fyssa’s killer was sentenced to life in prison.
The trial is one of the most remarkable in modern Greek history. The party had its heyday around 2013 and became the third largest party in Greece after the 2015 elections.