The coach’s response and apology for the images that aroused disgust.
Zarina Bi was cleared for the V75, after receiving two whips for heating an apprentice in Alessandro Gocciadoro’s stable.
The images of the scandal have been greeted with disgust by a whole trotting world.
Now the coach responds to Alessandro Gocciadoro, who was not in Sweden on Saturday.
“I am totally devastated,” he says.
Alessandro Gocciadoro.
During Saturday night, the images were wired when the V75 Zarina Bi horse, which was to start in V75-5 with Björn Goop in solkyn, was warmed up by an apprentice at the Alessandro Gocciadoro stable.
The horse was allowed to receive two so-called “one-handders”. The doorman and the vet stroked the horse in front of the V75.
The images of the scandal have been greeted with disgust by a whole trotting world.
– Zarina Bi’s treatment makes me feel terribly ill, I was shocked, says star cousin Björn Goop.
– I feel physically sick to see him. It’s incredibly serious, says Svensk Travsports CEO Maria Croon.
“What to do about it? Ban Swedish jogging for the future and not listen to any confessions and explanations, “writes Sportsblad reporter Micke Nybrink.
Coach Alessandro Gocciadoro, who was recently sentenced to SEK 60,000 in fines after a doping raid, can expect consequences from the Swedish Travelsport.
– In the coming days we will make a decision on the consequences this will have, says Maria Croon of Swedish Travelsport.
“I’m sorry and I’m angry”
Alessandro Gocciadoro responds the day after the scandal. And he’s devastated by what happened and already announced on Saturday that the apprentice who warmed up Zarina Bi was fired with immediate effect and that the apprentice has only worked in his stable since April 20.
– They were terrible images for everyone and, of course, for me too. I was surprised and cannot understand what I have seen. I’m so sorry, and to tell the truth, I can’t explain how I feel. It feels so bad, I’m sorry and I’m angry about this horrible situation. I am absolutely devastated, it has been a difficult night and a difficult day, writes Alessandro Gocciadoro by email.
He says that Zarina Bi, despite the circumstances, feels good the day after the unpleasant images.
“I don’t know what happens”
Various jogging profiles want Alessandro Gocciadoro to stop competing in Sweden.
– I don’t know what my future will be like in Sweden, I have to wait and see what ST decides, says and condemns the apprentice:
– I’m very sorry, because it wasn’t me who did something, but I have to pay it again. He wasn’t there, he didn’t know this person that well and he couldn’t imagine that he could do this to the horse in front of everyone.
Alessandro Gocciadoro takes the opportunity to apologize for jogging in Sweden, but realizes that words are not enough.
– There are not enough words to describe how I feel at the moment and how much I feel for everyone in the Swedish jog.
– I feel sorry for the good of Zarina Bi, for the good of the owners and for all those who have seen these unpleasant photos. Not enough words. I can only tell everyone how I feel.