Of: Martin Nilsson
A 14-year-old girl was placed in a family home four years ago, even though she was able to escape with her father to Pakistan and get divorced.
The City Council is now being criticized by the Ombudsman for forgetting to inform the family home about how passports should be hidden.
– They had no control over her, says the girl’s mother in the report.
The 14-year-old girl was placed, with the support of LVU (law with special attention to young people), in November 2016 in an emergency home. The decision is also made that she must have limited contact with her family and live at a secret address.
There was a great risk that her parents would seek her out, avoid attention, influence her stories, and take her out of the country.
After a while, they place her in a temporary family home. Her parents respected the rules about how they could spend time with their son.
In 2018, the girl’s new family planned a trip together and her parents gave her access to her passport.
– So I had no contact with her. She had left her passport to social services after her application, says the girl’s mother in a report she made to social services.
At the same time, the girl secretly agreed to meet her father in Stockholm. The girl looked for the passport from a box, told the family home that she would sleep with a friend, and ran away to the designated place. With her father, she traveled to London and then to Pakistan.
The next day, the family home contacted the social worker and told her that the girl had left.
– He traveled with his father in June 2018 and contracted child marriage in August. Social services and the family home had no restrictions, they had no control over her, says the girl’s mother.
The criticism is directed at the municipality
The municipality is now being criticized by social services for not telling the girl’s foster home how to hide a passport. The Ombudsman believes that the family home should have been more informed about the risks involved and the importance of their passport being kept safely.
Social services say they admit they missed having a conversation with the girl’s foster home about storing and caring for passports.
However, the Ombudsman refrains from saying anything about whether it was appropriate for the girl to be placed in the same place where her parents lived.
Photo: TT
A 14-year-old girl escaped with her father to Pakistan and got divorced.