During the crown crisis, the situation of hourly substitutes has become clear. These are usually young women who are used to filling in the gaps when permanent staff is needed. One of them is Christa Opava, 22, who despite being a trained auxiliary nurse is forced to work as a substitute part-time.
She works in the municipality of Eskilstuna and is always available if a work shift needs to appear via text message, making it difficult for her to plan her life.
– It feels like you want to use young auxiliary nurses and put them on schedule, because you think they can do more, but you only have a limited amount of energy, until you don’t anymore, it says in the Agenda function.
“We have returned to the beginning of the last century”
Unions and employers are currently negotiating new rules for job safety. LO President Susanna Gideonsson says it is extremely important for LO to get rid of precarious hourly employment when they are now negotiating new rules for job security.
– We have returned to the turn of the century, where every morning you stood with your hat in your hand and bowed and curtsied to get a job. Now it is the text message that controls to get the hours you need, it says in Agenda.