Suddenly, two chairs, which were not used to being there, stood out on the street. Two old men were sitting in the chairs. The hair salon, which has been closed since mid-December, opened its doors on Monday and turned East Berlin’s street into a waiting room.
The beauty salons were announced as winners in the German media after the meeting between Angela Merkel and the heads of state governments in mid-February. Stores, unlike stores, cafes and bars, were allowed to reopen across the country on March 1. At the same time, several states announced that, with a few exceptions, elementary schools would reopen in late February or early March.
When Chancellor Angela Merkel On Wednesday, the heads of state governments met to plan for the future, many industries hoping to be next in line. No clear winner could be crowned after the marathon meeting, but the Chancellor presented a clear order of precedence.

Berlin mayors Michael Müller and Angela Merkel met with heads of state of the states via video link on Wednesday.
Photo: Action Press / Shutterstock
German society will open up in five steps, Angela Merkel explained. The first step is to open schools and hair salons, which has happened in most states. Starting next week, bookstores and garden stores will be able to open their doors. Then, private meetings with five people from a household other than yours are also allowed; previously you were only allowed to meet one person other than the people you live with. In the next step, museums, galleries, botanical gardens and zoos can receive a limited number of visitors. This is followed by restaurants, opera and concert theaters, and cinemas.
– If the spread of the infection is stable or decreases over a period of two weeks, the condition can go to the next level, says Angela Merkel.
The strategy is based on that the spread of the infection is low: if it exceeds 100 new cases per week and 100,000 inhabitants, the state must “pull the emergency brake” and re-tighten the restrictions.
Together with the heads of state governments, the Chancellor also decided that residents of Germany will soon be offered a free quick test this week. In the past, neighboring Austria tested the population for free in pharmacies. Angela Merkel describes rapid tests as a tool to control the spread of the infection, and the vaccine as the way out of the pandemic.
Read more: Therefore, the German government crown clip stirs strong emotions