Friskola in Gävle closes after alarms about extremist Islamism


Nya Kastet’s school in Gävle opened in the fall of 2018 and is run as an independent science-oriented school with an unofficial Muslim approach.

For example, students have been recruited through the Gävle Mosque.

In the spring of 2020, founder Rabie Karam sold the school to then-vice principal Adam Mantaye.

That change in ownership was examined by the Swedish School Inspectorate, which concluded that Rabie Karam has clear ties to an extremist Islamist network led by Abo Raad.


Therefore, the inspection authority has denied the change of ownership and the school is due to close by the end of the year, something Arbetarbladet was the first to report on.

– The Swedish School Inspectorate has carried out an ownership and management assessment in the Nya Kastet school, where the suitability of the person who owns and runs the school is assessed as poor. In the framework of that investigation, we can say that there are ambiguities in the transfer between the previous owner and the current owner, says Andreas Gydingsgård, unit manager of the Swedish School Inspectorate.

He continues.

The security police.Photo: TT NEWS AGENCY

“Information from the Security Police”

– This means that the new owner does not have an independent attitude to the previous business. When you run a school, you need to make things easy for us at the inspection authority regarding who owns and runs it. We have received information from the Security Police that the previous owner has connections to extremist networks.

In December last year, the Gävle municipality education committee decided that the Bilaal Muslim preschool in Bomhus would also be closed. The security police had warned that the children could become radicalized.

Nya Kastet school can be open until the end of December and after that it is the obligation of the municipality to offer students a place in another municipal school.

The decision of the Swedish School Inspectorate can be appealed.

Expressen has searched for Rabie Karam and Adam Mantaye.

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