Frida Karlsson’s new setback: reviewed daily


Of: Petra Thorén


THE MAGIC CAP. Sensations in the bone membranes, but also in the lumbar spine.

Frida Karlsson has suffered a setback after several more intense workouts.

The skier is carefully controlled so that he does not cross the border again.

– It happens every day, says his coach Per Nilsson.

On Friday, the national ski team competed in a roller ski race in Trollhättan.

However, Frida Karlsson chose to forego the competition due to sensations in the bone membranes.

The symptoms are a sign that you drove too hard, and according to coach Per Nilsson, it is not only in the bone membranes but also in the lumbar spine. And she has the answer to what a setback could look like after a summer in which Frida Karlsson set personal records in every aptitude test she took.

– Two weeks ago, we put our strength and bet at great speed. It was about four or five sessions that were a bit more difficult in a period with a smaller amount and maybe it was too much for her, says Per Nilsson.

Before the national team camp, Frida Karlsson felt how her body reacted.

– There was a bit of success, says Per Nilsson.

“Have minutes”

So the young skier decided to abandon the body-wearing asphalt sprint race to complete the national team camp with a workout in the Torsby ski tunnel. Skiing on snow means a softer load.

Monitoring Frida Karlsson’s health and fitness has become important because last winter she was suspended from the competition due to deviant results in health tests.

The solution for the 21-year-old is careful follow-up.

– You have a protocol to follow, an exercise journal to write and that goes beyond feeling. She does this every day. Then see if it has recovered. Then we do check-in sessions every two weeks on the treadmill, says Per Nilsson.

Frida Karlsson is also surrounded by a group of experts who ensure that she has a balance between diet and exercise, between rest and load.

“A security”

When Sportbladet met Frida Karlsson at Torsby recently, she spoke to her about control.

– It is a security for me to monitor all the time, so I am on the right side of the border. I supervise both recovery and training, it’s great. You see easily. You can control everything: lactate, heart rate, feeling, and many factors. There is much to see, he said and noted:

– When in doubt, we conduct a control session. You will then quickly know where you are in the loading phase.

In Norway Ingvild Flugstad Östberg has been forced back in training and more recently Therese Johaug too. Something Frida Karlsson, on the site in Trollhättan, comments the following:

– It happened easily, that’s all. You have to be careful and control the sensation. You have to go down a bit for the journey to move forward, but you can’t just dig a hole.

– I have tried to optimize everything around me. It has not been possible to do so many sponsorship things (in crown times) and I’ve been very attentive to everything. “I have optimized the whole balance for last winter break,” he says.

On Friday, she and the team around her put on the parking brake. They release it slowly, but can re-tighten as soon as a value is misleading.


