I hope to compete in “On Track” next year.
SVT’s decision to bring in another pair to replace the beaten Hamid Zafar means that the participation of fellow competitor Frida Boisen is also removed.
Now Frida Boisen hopes to compete next year.
– Of course I find it boring, he says.
During the week, SVT will record two completely new episodes of “On the Track”, after deciding which episodes where the school debater and the politician Hamid zafar participated can not be sent. The panic attack came after the revelation that Zafar for several years wrote hateful posts about Jews and gays online under a pseudonym.
SR profiles Thomas nordegren Y Louise epstein who has the P1 program “Nordegren and Epstein” has been called up in an instant and will replace the looming Hamid Zafar and therefore also his competitor Frida boisen.
– It feels boring to me, I really wanted to participate in “On the track” and I was very honored and happy when I received the question. But at the same time I am still very happy that they deleted the episodes that were recorded with Zafar, I would not have liked to sit there with him, says Frida Boisen to Aftonbladet about SVT’s decision.
Frida Boisen.
Explanation of SVT
She says that SVT’s explanation for the fact that she didn’t get a new partner and instead brought in another partner is that they thought it felt unfair to cast a completely new and unprepared person along with her in such a large production. . .
– That it didn’t seem fair to anyone to do so. Therefore, they wanted to use a couple who had been with her and who had known each other before. You can understand that. So I just wait for next year. It’s a bit like regular train traffic, which doesn’t always go as planned and departures don’t arrive as they should. I hope there is a suitable exit and that I get a good seat for next year’s broadcasts with a sensible person and with sound values.
Photo: Mattias Ahlm / Swedish Radio
Thomas Nordegren and Louise Epstein will move in as new entrants next season.
Have you received a promise from SVT to join next year?
– I have been told that I am very relevant for next year in any case, SVT has said a lot. I can wish the new couple all the best in the competition and as I said, I hope to be a part of next year.
How was your reaction when you read what Hamid Zafar had done?
– I was really overwhelmed and surprised how you can have such disagreeable opinions like him. The anti-Semitism and homophobia it expresses really scares me. It was shock, tears, rage. He was so sad and angry and also disappointed.