Försäkringskassan: We depend on medical certificates from healthcare


Johan zelano at the Swedish Association of Neurologists SvD Debatt believes that doctors can spend too much time writing new certificates, as the Swedish Social Insurance Agency requests supplements for medical certificates, and that the Swedish Social Insurance Agency denies patients pay for illness even though your ability to work is obviously reduced.

We understand that it can be perceived as disturbing to have to supplement with more information. Of the approximately 35,000 active doctors in Sweden who send around 200,000 certificates to the Swedish Social Security Agency each month, we request a supplement in approximately one in ten cases, and this can often be done over the phone. However, we do not ask these questions out of ignorance or to make life more difficult for doctors and patients. But it is up to our task to investigate the ability to work and assess the right to sickness benefit in each individual case, and we need information to make this assessment regarding the legislation. The job of healthcare is to make people healthy. Our task is to test the right to sickness benefit, investigate whether there is any ability to work, often despite the illness, and help the person return to work as soon as possible. Since the Swedish Social Security Agency does not carry out its own medical examinations, we are completely dependent on medical certificates from healthcare, and it is very unfortunate that the important task is faced with other tasks that doctors have and has displacement effects.
