Former Ministers S: Fifteen Regions | Aftonbladet


Of: TT


February 1 | Photo: JONAS EKSTRÖMER / TT

Lars Engqvist. Stock Photography.

Two former Social Democratic ministers of the Göran Persson governments want the regions to be abolished based on the conclusions of the Crown Commission on the uncertainty in the division of responsibilities between the state, regions and municipalities.

Lars Engqvist, Minister of Social Affairs 1998-2004 and Lars-Erik Lövdén, Minister of Local Government during the same period, write in DN Debatt that the state must assume responsibility for hospitals and municipalities for primary care.

“It is time to question whether it is reasonable to maintain three different levels of public administration: the municipalities, the regions and the state. “they write.

The former ministers also propose that the state take responsibility for education, regional development, regional policy, labor market policy and sparsely populated areas.

