Former Gothenburg youth coach charged with aggravated sexual assault


A man in his 30s who has been a coach at a large handball club in Gothenburg is charged with aggravated sexual abuse of children.

The abuse must have been committed over a two-year period in the early 2010s.

The indictment establishes that the alleged crime is considered serious because the man committed the acts for a long time and exploited the girl’s dependence on him.

She was one of the girls that the man coached in the handball association, which was first reported by GP.

According to the newspaper, the coach must have raped the girl at her home.

The association did not know

The man who was previously unpunished denies the crime, writes GP.

He no longer participates in the current sports association. He resigned, according to the newspaper, for other reasons and at a time when the association had no knowledge of the alleged crime.

The handball association explains to GP that there is a plan on how the sexual abuse of children and young people should be handled.

– We believe that it is very important to train our leaders on how to discover things like this and what to do if they discover something. We have a plan of action on what we should do when this kind of thing happens and we have followed it, a club representative tells the newspaper.

READ MORE: Man charged with aggravated sexual abuse of children
READ MORE: Coaches secretly filmed girls in locker room and shower