Food e-commerce exploded: more than 100 percent increase


Both PostNord and Klarna ecommerce reports have identified groceries as a particularly strong growing industry in these crown times. Now, however, the Swedish Grocery Store organization has taken a closer look at just the grocery store, online and offline.

By isolating the food, the Svensk grocery store discovers that e-commerce food has exploded. The April grocery index shows the fastest growth in the history of online food trading since they began to measure.

“E-commerce is growing incredibly strong”

Online shopping increased by 101.2 percent in April. This can be compared to the monthly average, over the period 2017-2019, which is around 25 percent.

In a short period of time, several of the industry players have improved the e-commerce capacity to meet the highest demand, which means that e-commerce is growing incredibly strong with large average purchases and an influx of new customers. Karin Brynell, CEO of Swedish Grocery, regarding the report, says that a group of customers who have started buying food more than ever before are older consumers.

Substantial increase in home deliveries.

However, as we know, physical supermarkets have also performed well during the crisis, and here also the Grocery index is experiencing increases, but it is a more modest growth of 4.1 percent.

Regarding online food, the grocery index also notes that home deliveries increased 56.8 percent during April. At the same time, store pickup grew by 188.1 percent.

There was continued high pressure in the grocery trade during April and we see generally higher demand where a higher proportion of food consumption has moved home. It is also possible to note that the food supply and service level have remained good despite the high influx of customers, says Karin Brynell.


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