From: TT
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Jane Osowski from Wisconsin is studying biology at Florida International University in Miami. Both she and Meg Taggart from Indiana, who study marine biology, agree that climate is an important issue for the future.
They want drive, honesty, and a greater respect for science. In the midst of the ongoing presidential elections, students at Florida International University in Miami say what qualities they want to see in the country’s next leader and what electoral issue is most important to them.
Jane Osowski from Wisconsin. Biology studies:
– The next leader must be respectful and open to listening to the opinions of others when it comes, for example, to the climate issue.
– The weather and abortion are the most important issues for me. I am an advocate for abortion, being forced to have a fetus that, for example, was born through rape can have extremely negative consequences for both mother and child. That is why the Supreme Court is also an important issue, the conservative majority there can destroy the right to abortion.
Meg Taggart from Indiana. Study marine biology:
– I hope the next president of the United States listens and has faith in science. This is especially true when it comes to climate change.
– The weather is crucial to me. But social justice, the equal value of all human beings, is also high. I’ve already voted by mail (Democrat) Joe Biden, I don’t think President Trump is showing good leadership.
Robert Kant, born in the UK but has lived in Florida for many years. Studies in the Master’s Program in International Economics:
– The next president must fix the enormous division that prevails, one of the Americans. And the tone of political discussions must become more polite. It’s never been as bad as now, politics feels like a minefield.
– For me, the climate issue is important. It’s troubling that (Vice President) Mike Pence refers to people like me as “climate alarmists” or “hysterics” and doesn’t listen to the science.
Mark Caraher from Florida. Reading the economist:
– The only thing that matters to me is that everything, the whole country, is reopened. Everyone talks about the coronavirus, but I don’t think it’s that serious. I think I had covid-19 in February, but I only had a slight fever and then it was over.
– The economy, an open economy, is fundamental. I liked the situation in our country before the virus arrived. I’m afraid Democrats want to close more, so I’ll probably vote for (President) Trump.
Torres de Arletty, born in Cuba but living in Florida. Read marketing and international economics.
– Honesty, integrity and discipline. Being a good leader means making decisions based on what is good for the large crowd.
– The issue of immigration is important to me because I immigrated myself. I do not agree with all the political decisions taken in this area in recent years. But in the economic sphere, something good has happened.
Marcus Malek O’Connor, born in Illinois but living in Florida for several years. Read marketing with a focus on the real estate industry:
– I will vote, but if I’m honest, I don’t care so much who becomes president or what that person is like. It is a choice for the elite. Choosing good local leaders is much more important, they care about the things that matter to us here, like entire roads. With these, I want to see a willingness to change, to make it better for those at the bottom of the social ladder.
– The rights of the poor and minorities are important. For example, it should be easier to get a loan or other help even if you have a low income. I also find it frustrating to see how certain minorities are portrayed in the media.