Flashback Forever Makes A Christmas Calendar About The Gay Uprising


The Flashback Forever podcast, directed by Emma Knyckare, “Scroll-Mia” and Ina Lundström, is now launching a Christmas calendar. The topic is the Flashback thread with the title “The story behind the gay uprising”. During the countdown to Christmas Eve, a shorter episode of the podcast will be released per day in December.

– We wanted to deviate a bit from the usual format, so we will deal with different aspects of the thread in many different ways. Guests and public education can happen, but in our tone, says Ina Lundström.

Hundred page thread

“Böglyftet” is from the beginning an image of two people in a daring position. Many have long pondered who took the photo and why. “The story behind the gay uprising” has become a thread that is now hundreds of pages long. In each mini-episode, the podcast trio will answer some of the questions that have been piling up on the topic since the first post to the thread was made in 2008.

– From the beginning of the podcast, we have probably been asked when we will do the story of this thread because it is a true Flashback classic. It is an absolutely fun thread, and people become very obsessed with this image, who are the people, people also do fan art, paint pictures, make songs about it, and so it spreads abroad. That’s when Flashback really impresses, says Ina Lundström.

READ MORE: The trio behind the success of the “Flashback Forever” podcast

Christmas paper calendar

The Christmas calendar will not only be heard. Illustrator Kajsa Bergström Feiff has also produced a detailed paper calendar that can be ordered.

– We didn’t want to do it digitally, but it should be real on paper with doors. It feels very comfortable to be able to have a lot of control on the subject so that you can really stay up to date for a few weeks, I think many can appreciate that. We have been working with him since last summer and we go with everything, we are incredibly encouraged, says Ina Lundström.

READ MORE: The shy “Scroll-Mia” addresses 30,000 listeners

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