LeBeouf: “Have no excuses”
Photo: Willy Sanjuan / TT
Shia LaBeouf.
Artist FKA Twigs is suing expo boyfriend, actor Shia LeBeouf.
She accuses him of sexual harassment, abuse and emotional suffering, writes the New York Times.
The events must have taken place in 2019.
Tahliah Debrett Barnett, known by the artist name FKA Twigs, 32, claims in the lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles on Friday, that Shia lebeoufThe 34-year-old deliberately gave her a venereal disease and she says it is something he recognized in her, writes the New York Times.
Another incident, which is central to the lawsuit, involves a longer trip, where Shia LeBeouf is said to have been furious with her throughout the trip, FKA Twigs claims.
She says he once woke her up in the middle of the night and tried to strangle her. He is also said to have removed his seat belt, at the same time threatening to crash the car if she did not say how much she loved him.
They bruised
After begging to be let out of the car, he stopped at a gas station and she took her bags out of the trunk. Shia LeBeouf is then said to have followed her and attacked her by throwing her into the car and yelling and forcing her into the car again.
FKA Twigs claims that she was subjected to mental and physical abuse many times during their relationship, which lasted for almost a year.
She says he was able to grab her and squeeze her so hard she got bruises, but she didn’t report it to the police. First because it wouldn’t hurt her career, and then because she was worried that she wouldn’t be taken seriously and that it wouldn’t make sense.
The artist also claims that he slept with a loaded pistol. She was afraid to go to the bathroom at night, for fear that she would be mistaken for an intruder and shot. He also didn’t allow her to wear clothes to bed, he says.
Fear of not being believed
She tells the New York Times that she chooses to sue him to raise awareness and the tactics the perpetrators use to control him.
He says he became increasingly isolated and felt his safety net was broken.
At an early stage, he tried to tell a colleague, but he didn’t take it seriously.
– I thought to myself that no one will ever believe me. I am unconventional. And I am a black person who is a woman.
Another ex-girlfriend also accuses Shia LeBeouf of abusive treatment.
LeBeouf responds by email
In an email to the New York Times, Shia LeBeouf says that “many of the allegations are not true,” but that he owes women “the opportunity to speak about his statements in public and accept responsibility for the things I have done. “.
“I have not been cured of my PTSD or alcoholism, but I am determined to do whatever it takes to recover, and I will always feel sorry for the people I may have hurt along the way.”
On Thursday, the day before FKA Twigs filed its lawsuit, Shia LeBeouf responded in an email to the New York Times that he is now accused of abusive behavior.
“I am not the one who can tell anyone how my behavior made them feel. I have no excuses for my alcoholism or my assaults, only rationalizations. I have been a perpetrator against myself and everyone around me for several years. I have a track record. of hurting those closest to me. I am ashamed and sorry for those whom I hurt. There is nothing more I can say. “