Heavy rains this weekend over Umeå have caused major flooding. On Saturday, it turned out that the fish had emerged from Sandbackadammen in northern Umeå and were stranded in puddles formed by the flood, Folkbladet reports.
The discovery led to a minor migration, where curious residents of Umeå came out to help the fishermen return to the pond. One of the residents of the area, Johan Sikström, saved fish from a puddle on the grass near the pond.
– In a way, it is an incredible experience and children think it is exciting, but it also has serious consequences. Our neighbors have received a decimeter of water in the basement, but we have succeeded, Johan Sikström tells Folkbladet.
According to a fishing expert, it is likely rue, which was originally believed to have come into the pond from another nearby pond. On Sunday, more rain is expected in Umeå, but according to the municipality, pumps are installed to handle the water bodies.