On Friday, all of Norway held their breath. At that time, King Harald underwent surgery at Rikshospitalet. Now comes the first photo of the king after his stay in the hospital.
On Friday, a doctor replaced both of King Harald’s heart valves. A surgical procedure that will improve the head of state’s heavy breathing. According to the Norwegian court, the operation was successful and without complications. But Sonja, Märtha Louise, and Haakon, of course, were worried about the king anyway.
– As most people know, the king has had trouble breathing, especially two weeks ago. And we thought more research was needed, and it was time to change the heart valve, said Harald’s doctor, Björn Bendz, when he left the Rikshospitalet in Oslo and met with the entire corps of journalists after the operation.
He also reassured the Norwegian people with some funny comments.
– I want him to get up early tomorrow, and if he doesn’t come out, I’ll kick him out of bed. That is what he is determined on, he is aware of that, that I am a bit brutal in that sense, I am with all patients. In a nice way, of course, Björn Bendz continued.
On Monday afternoon, the king had to leave the hospital to meet with Queen Sonja. And it was a brought, but relatively happy king who jumped into one of the court’s security cars.
Photo: TT