Fires from home care cars in the care center in Tyresö


ofHanna Lindqvist


When staff came to work at the call center in Tyresö on Monday, they found that two of the home health care cars had been completely burned.

In a third car, a box was broken.

– It affects an already tense situation in healthcare, says operations manager Carina Heed.

Two of the home care cars must be scrapped.

Photo: Private

Two of the home care cars must be scrapped.

The Bollmora Care Center in Tyresö, Stockholm has several home health care cars that they use to care for patients seen from home. But when Carina Heed’s business manager and colleague Taina Heinonen arrived at work early Monday morning, the cars were destroyed, something Mitt has reported.

– Two cars are burned. They are completely unusable, they will not be repairable, says Carina Heed.

A third car had the side window in the back seat smashed with a stone.

– We hope we can repair it and eliminate the smell of fire smoke.

An adjacent warehouse that stored the municipality’s bicycles is also completely destroyed. Luckily for the unfortunate, the new electric bikes from the health center were not on it.

– We are very happy that we were not able to get our bikes out. But now we don’t have a store to keep them inside.

Photo: Private

District nurse Taina Heinonen and Carina Heed in the parking lot where the cars were.

“Very boring and sad”

The drugs came a little later for patients on Monday, but the situation was quickly resolved with the car rental and site repair.

– We have received great help from the region, says Carina Heed, adding:

– But it has consequences for money for the whole of society. That is the last thing we need now.

In one morning, the health center makes 50-70 home visits, including from the rehabilitation department. Several patients cared for by covid-19 need home health care where they receive help with respiratory support.

The car fires are now being investigated by the police.

– We want to make visible what the consequences may be. It is very boring and sad. We hope someone reflects on that, says Carina Heed.

