Now soon everyone with money to travel will also have to pay for their bus trip on Stockholm’s public transport. It’s clear after the rules were tightened as of October 28, says SL communications manager Suss Forssman Thullberg.
– We are aware that this will mean a change in behavior for travelers. We realize this will be difficult, he says.
The reason is the way the corona pandemic has affected Stockholm and the consequences it has had for public transport. Already in April, SL issued a call for people who absolutely do not need to travel by public transport to try to use other means of transport. In the same month, SL also stopped ticket controls on public transport.
Now they have finances the consequences were devastating for SL.
– It’s very serious. The situation means that, compared to this year’s budget, we will lose ticket revenue of more than three billion, says Suss Forssman Thullberg.
One of the changes introduced was to close the front of the buses to protect drivers from infections. The consequence has been that people with travel funds have not been able to get rid of their cards and therefore have had more difficulty paying for their travel.
– This is where our own efforts have made it difficult for travelers to do the right thing for themselves, says Suss Forssman Thullberg.

The pandemic has caused a great economic loss for SL.
Photo: Barzan Dello
The nya regelförändringen means that all travelers must be able to present a valid ticket when traveling by public transport. Therefore, even bus passengers should make sure that they have paid for their trip before getting on the bus, even if you cannot get on the bus yet.
According to Suss Forssman Thullberg, the easiest way is to use the SL application for payment. So a trip costs as much as if you pay with an SL card with travel cash. But for those people who do not have a smart mobile phone and therefore cannot use the application, there are other options.
– For those who really have no alternatives, do not have a smartphone, then it will be difficult. But there are several alternatives, says Suss Forssman Thullberg.
Or you can buy individual tickets, or you can redeem your SL card with travel cash at the staff that is deployed at many different centers in Stockholm.
– What it means in plain text is that if you travel with cash for unhindered travel starting October 28, you will receive an additional fee, says Suss Forssman Thullberg.
This additional fee is 1,500 SEK, according to SL.
Suss Forssman Thullberg emphasizes that the rule changes will mean nothing new to most pass-holders.
– Many people still use monthly passes. Then no problem, she says.
Read more:
Bus driver on congestion: “SL must wake up and think of new things”
Bus passengers can be fined despite the ticket: “We can’t do much”