FHM considers restrictions in Stockholm – News (Ekot)


– The downward trend has been broken and we are rising again. If it continues to rise, we may soon be in a dire situation again, says Björn Eriksson, director of health and hospitals in the Stockholm region.

It is of a low level as the number of infected in the Stockholm region is increasing. Last week, 2.2 percent of samplers received a positive test result, the previous week, 1.3 percent of PCR samples were positive in the region.

It is still clear that there is greater social spread in Stockholm in all age groups, although it is higher among the working population and lower among the elderly, says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

The Public Health Agency is now considering, together with the region, the introduction of new restrictions.

– Then you have to think about broader measures, possibly something that should be used throughout the country, says Anders Tegnell.

What kind of action is it?

– Basically, we want to break as many chains of infection as possible and this can be done in different ways; better infection tracking or more tips to keep your distance. We’re seeing it now, says Anders Tegnell.

Also in Dalarna is increasing the amount of corona infected quickly. The infection has spread among ice hockey teams at both the elite and amateur levels, and also affected leaders and other members of staff who do not participate in the game itself. However, some special local restrictions are not currently relevant there, says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

– In Dalarna, it is clear that there is a spread among young people in different ice hockey teams. Various measures have been taken. The ice hockey team agrees that it is important to do something about it. So there is reason to believe that it can be controlled locally without further measures, says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.
