Fewer heart attacks during the pandemic | Aftonbladet


Of: TT


The number of heart attacks dropped dramatically at the beginning of the pandemic and the rate of illness remains lower than normal. Reducing stress may be one explanation for the decline.

At the beginning of the pandemic, the number decreased by 25 percent and there was no normalization of the number of patients with a heart attack until May. But more long-term data now shows that the number of heart attacks is not really at the same level as before, writes Dagens Medicin.

The decline cannot only be explained by the underlying trend that heart attacks have decreased in number over a long period of time. That’s the opinion of David Erlinge, professor of cardiology at Lund University.

– I think this is related to the corona pandemic, but exactly how we do not know and is difficult to find out, he tells the newspaper.

At the start of the pandemic, he believes the reason was that patients avoided seeking care.

– Now the public has partially changed their lives. External triggers for heart attacks, such as stress and infections, may have decreased, which could explain the decline. It may also be the case that people who have suffered a heart attack are not registered because they died in covid-19, says David Erlinge.

